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How to choose powder vibrating sieve?


Dahan vibarating machinery produce fine screening equipment which is mainly solve powder material screening. How to choose powder vibrating sieve, shall comply with the following four principles:
1. According to differient powder materials. Powder is composed of a number of different size particles.
2. According to differient powder  shape. Particles not only refers to the solid particles and oil droplets, beads and other liquid particles.
3. According to differient powder  size. The size of the particles is called the particle granularity.
4. According to the distribution of particle size. Using specific instruments and methods reflect the different size particles of powder percentage. there are interval and cumulative distribution. 
No matter what kind of powder materials,should find professional vibration sieve manufacturers.

Vibrating sieve Filter sieve Horizontal airflow sieve Direct discharge sifter Vibrating sieve accessories Vibration motor Airflow sieve Test sieve Square vibrating sieve Conveyor equipment

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