Vibrating screen,Vibrating Sieve,Circular vibrating screen - Xinxiang Dahan Vibrating Machinery Co.,LTD.

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Bulk agglomerate material screening-horizontal airflow sieve


Now sieving equipment application is more and more widely, according to different materials to choose spin vibration sieve, ultrasonic vibrating screen, linear vibrating screen, screen and so on. sometimes because the characteristics of storage time or materials, bulk moisture sensitive materials will apprea powder agglomeration. Sometimes because agglomerate size is too large, regular screening equipment is difficult to achieve crushing and screening at the same time. In order to solve this situation, company development and produce WQS series horizontal airflow sieve. It can broke the material to achieve high precision material screening. A horizontal airflow sieve or vertical airflow sieve is equivalent to a crusher and a screening machine. Both savng costs and improving efficiency, it is a choice for agglomerate material crushing and screening.

Vibrating sieve Filter sieve Horizontal airflow sieve Direct discharge sifter Vibrating sieve accessories Vibration motor Airflow sieve Test sieve Square vibrating sieve Conveyor equipment

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