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Bouncing ball effect in vibration screen


Bouncing ball is an indispensable part of three-D vibration screen, Its role is in the middle of the shaker screen and the screen beating cycle crashing the screen so that the adhesion of the material from the sieve screen surface, to avoid blocking the net impact of screening yield and accuracy.
Divided by the diameter of the ball bouncing generally φ10, φ15, φ20, φ25, φ28, φ30, φ40, φ50, φ60, etc., is more commonly used φ25, φ28 two kinds, φ40, φ50, φ60 main used on mine vibration screen.
According to the material, Bounce the ball has several kinds: Rubber ball, silicone ball, PTFE bouncing ball. Different materials use not the same bouncing ball. For general screening process materials:
Silicone bouncing ball: with good elasticity wear and not fall off, etc., mainly used in food, medicine and other materials screening;
PTFE bouncing ball: oil resistance, soaked in oil will not deformation characteristics, mainly applied to oily liquid materials screening
According to the material properties, choose a different bouncing ball, to meet customer requirements in different conditions, bouncing ball, though small parts, but it is the key to solve the screening problem.

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备案序号: 豫ICP备09002479号-13 Copy Right:Xinxiang Dahan Vibrating Machinery Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.